Hello RGV Co-Parents,

Co-Parenting in today’s society can be tricky.  Especially if you do not have court orders specifying when children are to exchange hands, where, and for how long.  Additionally, agreeing on the costs of raising children can be rather exhausting for one or both sides.  It is in the best interest of your family and your children that you use resources available to establish court-ordered custody arrangements.

Our firm is experienced in the area of Child Custody, whether it be establishing new orders or modifying already standing orders.  We are available for consultations to answer any questions you may have about establishing or modifying orders.


Co-Parenting Tool: AppClose

Today, I’d also like to discuss a useful tool I learned about recently.  It’s called AppClose.  There are no subscription fees and no monthly charges.  It is a co-parenting phone application that helps parents communicate information about the children, like scheduling, pick up and drop off locations, expenses and medical bills, etc.  It even allows you to set up a way for you to pay the other parent in the event you owe something for childcare.

Keep in mind, applications like these may make co-parenting easier, but it will not offset the protections and piece-of-mind of a court-ordered custody arrangement.  Still, it is a valuable tool that will put you and your family on the path to a more organized and structured home environment for your children.

Contact our office if you need assistance with obtaining child custody orders, or if you have questions about the process.  We are happy to assist you and share our knowledge of these processes.

Signing Off,

Agustin Hernandez, Jr.

RGV Family Law Attorney



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