There are 4 types of distractions that can pull a driver’s attention away from the road. The following are descriptions of the types of distractions, and some possible solutions to avoiding them.

Type #1: Visual Distraction

A visual distraction is one where your eyes are removed from the road and are focused on something else, even if for a second. An example of this is looking at your dash to change a radio station.

Possible Solution

The best thing to do is not take your eyes off the road, even if that means not getting what you want done in that moment. This is especially true if you are driving through a lot of traffic or driving at high speeds.

If you absolutely must change something on your dash or car audio system, use voice-operated handless systems.

Type #2: Auditory Distraction

An auditory distraction is one that takes your hearing sense away from hearing road noise. For example, listening to music or a movie too loudly.

Possible Solution

Listen to music or movies at a responsible volume, and try to move sound toward the back of the vehicle if possible. If a song or car audio system needs attention for some reason, ask someone else to do it or use the voice-operated car audio to change it.

Type #3: Manual Distraction

A manual distraction is one that takes the body parts you use to maneuver the vehicle away from their ability to do so. For example, taking your hand off the steering wheel to grab something that fell beneath your seat.

Possible Solution

If whatever you are reaching for is not a danger to you driving, for example, a bottle fell beneath your seat (which can result in a serious accident if not addressed), then you should not reach for it. If the fries or drinks fell out, you can deal with it after bringing your vehicle to a stop.

Type #4: Cognitive Distraction

Cognitive distractions are distractions that take your mind off of the road. For example, if your kids are arguing in the back seat, your mind can be pulled away from the road to address their situation.


Any cognitive distractions that originate from the inside of the car should be shut down immediately. If kids are arguing, stop it immediately. If you as the driver are arguing, pull over immediately.


This list is not exhaustive. Any combination of these distractions can result in damages to yourself or to other drivers. Visit the Texas Department of Transportation’s website for more information on what is considered Distracted Driving.

Have you or someone you love been involved in a car accident resulting from distracted driving?

If you have been the victim of distracted driving and were injured in a vehicle accident, you can call the Agustin Hernandez Law Firm for a free consultation. We can inform you of your rights and help guide you to a resolution. Call us today at (956) 255-5555.

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