As the news of the spread of COVID-19 reaches our households, we have seen the issuance of many advisories to stay indoors and cancellations of events of groups of 50 or more.

Hidalgo County Courts & Family Law Matters

While the Hidalgo County courts have issued plans to discontinue jury selection through May 8, 2020, they have not cancelled trials that judges may preside over without a jury. In fact, we have received notice of matters being placed on the docket in the month of April.  Rest assured, here at the Agustin Hernandez Law Firm, we will be working full force for our clients during these uncertain times.

To be clearer, the jury system may be placed on hold for the moment, but 97% of the work done by courts should push forward since the bulk of the work has nothing to do with juries, as is especially true for Family Law matters.  Trials may still be held when the judge is the sole trier of fact or as the only person making a decision to how a case will finally be resolved.

How Agustin Hernandez Law Firm Will Operate

Our court system has, in the past, adopted electronic filing systems and much of our work is facilitated within our office space via email and telephone, without the need for close human contact.

Family law matters especially do not always require the physical presence of parties involved from start to finish.  Our firm has all the technology necessary to initiate, maintain and finalize matters from start to finish without the need for the clients to physically come into our office, and in limited cases, without the need to be present in court.

Thus, the Agustin Hernandez Law Firm will continue working on your matters from our office without issue.  Regular business hours of operation will continue from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Clients may opt for teleconferences rather than coming to our office to fill out forms, ask questions, or make payment.

Lastly, we are taking extra precautions within our office space to provide a clean environment to clients.  Surfaces are wiped down after visiting with clients and prospects.  Anti-bacterial and tissues are accessible to any visitors as well.

RGV Family Law Prospective Clients

We offer telephonic consultations with options for electronic form-filling and payment.

You can also familiarize yourself with our work product and our qualifications by surfing our website for our attorney’s biography, client testimonials, and much information on Family and Personal Injury legal services to help inform your decision to move forward with legal services.

If you have any questions about how our day-to-day operations will be affected by the temporary requirements for social distancing, please feel free to call our office to inquire at (956) 255-5555.

Check back soon for more updates* on our office policies.

*March 17, 2020: Updated to reflect new change in jury selection suspension window from the end of this week to May 8, 2020.